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 S.A.R Public Schools have a policy that prescribes guidelines which are to be adhered to by all concern. They are :- 
  • Only such homework will be assigned that would not be burdensome concept clear to child .
  • Only those exercises might be undertaken which are safe for a given age group and suited to their psyche.
  • All exercises should infuse a sense of self confidence. No work be assigned which would lead to depression or self pity.
  • Exercises should not lead to competition but promote the learner's latent strengths.
  • Parental association and involvement is essential to promote a sense of belonging.
  • The exercises should develop a sense of ownership with whatever work that is being carried out.
  • Children should be appreciated whenever a good work is done.
  • Instead of depreciating children for any fault in exercises, corrective measures should be taken and necessary help should be given for their improvement.